The game begins with the Battle of Brunanburh. Depending on the result of rolling the dice, an appropriate set of cards is selected that players will use during the game.
    (A) Number of points from 1 to 2 – In the conflict between King Athelstan on the one hand and the alliance of King Constantine of Scotland with King Olaf III of Dublin and King Owen I of Strathclyde, the brothers Egill and Thorolf sided with the alliance. Cards representing the Vikings of Iceland are at the alliance’s disposal. During this scenario, the Battle of Brunanburh did not take place. King Athelstan starts the game alone.
    (B) Number of points from 2 to 4 – The battle took place according to history. Cards representing the Vikings of Iceland are at King Athelstan’s disposal. The playing card depicting Thorolf is put aside. Does not take part in the game.
    (C) Number of points from 5 to 6 – Brothers Egill and Thorolf switched places during the battle. However, fate took its toll and Thorolf died heroically along with the entire unit under his command. This left the entire flank exposed, through which the alliance troops broke through, attacking Egill’s unit from the side. Destroying it completely. Egill himself is injured and loses consciousness. Thanks to this, he avoids the fate of his companions. The battle is lost by King Athelstan. The Thorolf card and half of the Viking Iceland cards are set aside. They do not take part in the game. Egill’s basic card should be replaced with „Egill’s One Ear” for the duration of the game.
    (D) Number of points from 7 to 8 – Even though the brothers changed places, none of them died. And the battle was won by King Athelstan’s side. All cards representing the Vikings of Iceland are at his disposal.
    (E) Number of points from 9 to 10 – It turned out that one of the guards of the northern passage participated in the battle. Bound by an oath to his brotherhood, he had access to their shared mana. Collected during appropriate rituals to serve in the defense of the gateway of the worlds and, if necessary, to be used by one of the members of the brotherhood wherever he may be. If he decided that the situation required it, he could pronounce a secret oath that opened the gap between the worlds. It is a difficult art. Only a few were gifted by the gods with the ability to weave mana threads. By combining two worlds in this way, they made the worlds overlap. Which caused the laws applicable in the world on the other side of the end of the braided thread to penetrate into our world. The more durable the thread, the more durable the connection.
    That’s why everyone who survived that battle said that it was at that moment that some worlds came together. This was caused by the death of the gatekeeper in the north in battle. Unfortunately, his name remained unknown. However, it must have been someone really special to claim his soul when his body breathed its last. The Valkyries came for him and no one else to take him home. They say that in one moment the entire sky was covered with lightning, and lightning appeared from a dark cloud. The Valkyries in their chariot descended from the heavens to land right next to the battlefield on the ground. And then he, the gatekeeper to the north. Entirely covered with light, he rose from the field where he had just fought his last fight in this life. He slowly walked towards the carriage driven by Valkyrie. And the light moved right behind him. Leaving behind a fog that lingered in the air for several days after the incident before it completely dissipated. And when he got into the chariot with them, one of the Valkyries cracked her whip at her horses. These lifted the chariot into the air with great speed. As if he weighed nothing. Yet everyone who survived that battle said that it was a real war chariot with all its equipment. And as they disappeared into the dark cloud, the sky became as before again. People stopped fighting each other. So that the armies dispersed from each other without any problems. Each in their own way. However, after this event, representatives of elves, orcs and goblins could be observed more and more often on the British islands.
    All Viking cards from Iceland play on King Athelstan’s side. Additionally, at the beginning of their turn, each player draws one card from the „newcomers” deck.
    (F) Number of spots from 11 to 12 – Egill was killed. Seeing his brother’s death, Thorolf went into a war frenzy. Bringing death to all those who stood in his way, he reached his brother’s dead body to let out a terrifying roar. His eyes turned red from the blood swelling in his eyes. Thus turning into a typhoon of destruction. Thorolf, mad with despair, so struck fear in the hearts of the enemy that he single-handedly defeated their entire army while the others just stood by and watched. No one had ever before or since repeated such a feat as Thorolf’s name that day. This led to King Athelstan’s victory and ended the war in his favor. Thorolf returned to Iceland. He lived in the interior of the island. Away from human settlements. He began to discover Iceland in his own way. Bringing out the truest magic from the womb of Iceland. Which made magic once again settle in Thorolf’s world. So much so that others followed suit. Over time, appropriate spells were learned, which meant that magic began to be widely used on battlefields. Creating a separate class of battle mages. Egill, Thorolf, Athelestan, Olaf, Owen, and Constantine’s cards are removed from the game for the duration of the game. Icelandic Viking cards are available to draw, one for each player at the beginning of their game. Add Battle Mage cards to the Viking deck.
    (G) Number of points from 13 to 14 – Odin himself was watching this battle. He was so absorbed in it that he accidentally lost his raven eye. A device that allows the owner of the item to view the cards put into battle by the opponent. Each player rolls the dice. The highest score wins. An item can only be assigned to one hero for the entire game. When the hero dies, the raven eye returns to Odin again. The card should be put aside.
    (H) Number of spots from 15 to 16 – Odin, having his favorites, often looked at them. The way they did as they went through life. He made a bet with one of the gods of Britain that they would meet on the battlefield one day. Just for fun. Just see what could happen. Assuming everything is possible. That was the only reason they were supposed to meet.
    It happened once that they were together watching the battle that was being fought in Britain at that moment. They noticed each other and came down to earth in human form. And everyone knew that it was the gods who had come down to them. For some, it brings fear to their hearts. For others, it is joy and comfort that the gods are on their side. And the gods began to talk to each other.
    – As we agreed? – Odin said to the god of Britain
    – As we agreed. – He replied. Straight to the conversation with Constantine II, King of Scotland. He said – We once made a bet with Odin. About whether those who walk the path towards Valhalla are as strong as he boasted. If one of them fends off the creature you choose, Constantine, you will engage him. By putting yourself under his command for 5 years. In return, you will get half of what that daredevil will gain for himself at that time. Wherever he goes, you will support him during this time. And he will drive away your enemies and contribute to your glory, making a covenant with you, uniting us gods with the ribbon of the path of destiny. So as to weave the thread of time, hooking it to the place in time when we met. – What do you think? Do you accept the offer we have made to you here? You can choose any creature you want. Or one hundred of your warriors will face one of them in turn. Just remember that once you choose. To equalize the chances, your opponent will be able to choose a weapon. Tailoring it to your choice. And if you manage to defeat him, those Vikings who were the brother of the one who died will go away. Swearing an oath that they would never come back. The duel will end in a draw when the rotation time of the planet we are on completes. After one day, the duel will be considered as inconclusive. Our role as gods will end. We’ll leave you to your business. You decide what to do next. We will not interfere further in your fate if you do not want us to. We will stay with you until the end of the meeting. What do you say, Constantine? Do you agree to the offer?
    – After thinking about it, Constantine agreed to the proposal. No matter how you looked at it, the offer seemed favorable to him. – As for me, I agree. But is there anyone who will accept the challenge? First I would like to know if anyone is accepting the challenge
    – I’m reporting
    – And me – replied the brothers Egil and Thorolf to these words.
    And those whom they were brothers struck against the shield with their weapons. Making a sound that echoed loudly throughout the area. At the same time, he agreed to the offer made by the gods themselves.
    Brothers laughing at this turn of events. They decided to share among themselves the opponents they may face. So that each of them has the opportunity to be covered with glory. Egill took all enemies from this world, and Thorolf took everyone who appeared from another world. Constantine agreed to this.
    He chose a dragon as an opponent for one of the Vikings. So Thorolf decided on a shield forged from hardened lava that had flowed to the surface from deep inside the earth, far from the lands of the north. Fragile and delicate. An iron weapon cracking with every impact. However, in the confrontation with the dragon for the one who was able to create time loops. Woven from the threads from which the universe is made, the shield became a reflection of the dragon. By absorbing the power of some of his attacks.
    Flying over Thorolf, the dragon breathed real fire at him. Which came out of its mouth in the form of fireballs. Which fell on the brave Thorolf hiding behind a shield made of carefully selected material. They say that there are people for whom an encounter with a dragon can be beneficial. If they managed to escape alive, they had the right to take one of the treasures in the care of the dragons from Britain. Some take valuables. Chests filled with gold. Others, having His power, choose this treasure as a reward. Thorolf, guided only by impulse when choosing the right weapon, remembered the words he had heard when he was still a child. To always choose a weapon forged from hardened lava from an island in the far north when fighting a dragon. And when you take them in your hand, you have to say secret words. He relied on his ancestors in this matter. That’s why he didn’t realize how it would affect him. Because Thorolf repelled the dragon’s attacks by covering himself with a shield. Dodging all the time. The dragon, circling above him, did not allow him to hide in any one position. Some of the fireballs that fell on the shields bounced off and hit the ground. Causing everything to shake. And people nearby fell to the ground. In some places, the reflected bullet hit places that burst into flames. Burning everything to the ground. Leaving only ashes that spread in the wind until everything blew away. However, some bullets were absorbed by the shield. And to whoever held it, it gave the power extracted from the fire that fell on it in the form of a bullet. That’s why the dragon couldn’t break through Thorolf’s defense. Which, absorbed by the power from the dragon fire, made him escape at great speed every time. The dragon, afraid that Thorolf would jump on his back, stayed away from him all the time, just enough to avoid it. Able only to attack with his fire bolts, he repeated his attacks until the entire rotation of the planet around its axis was completed. A full day has passed. And the dragon moved away into the unknown.
    – Constantine, bearing in mind what he saw, upheld the offer made by the gods, accepting its provisions. Athelstan also agreed to place himself under Thorolf’s command to command his armies wherever he leads them. Considering the turn of events that were not going well for him. However, Thorolf and Egill had already planned another plan a long time ago. They swore that if they ever faced a dragon on the battlefield, they would sail to Hades and draw a bucket of water from all its rivers. And when they do. They will go to an island in the far north to pour it in a place of their choosing.
    All cards are discarded. Cards from the „Path to Styx” deck come into play
    (I) Number of eyes from 17 to 18 – They say that even a single flap of a bird’s wings in flight has significance. Just as a stone thrown into water raises waves on its surface, human life leaves its trace on the space filled with time. So it was this time. The moment when two weapons of warriors fighting on the opposite side crossed each other caused a wave that rose through time to the place where Erik the Red was sailing in a boat on Vinland. It was then that he thought about the people there and the lands he was passing through. When for one brief moment an image of a blade sliding across the shield of two warriors fighting each other appeared in his mind. Valhalla…sighed and decided to give it a try. What did he have to lose? Probably because the wind was in his favor, a strong gust of air blew into his sails and filled them to the brim. – „If so,” Erik thought, „then I’m relying on you.” Odin!! Lead into the unknown – And letting himself be carried by the wind, he and his crew reached the place where people lived. There he was welcomed as a friend. So much so that he and the entire crew stayed permanently in Vinland. And in the place where Odin led his ship, he built his capital. To which many of the northern peoples came. So much so that Vinland became a populous land. Inhabited by the descendants of those who lived in Vinland before Eric’s arrival in these lands, as well as those who came with him. Bringing with them a whole new world with their iron, the northerners caused a real revolution in that part of the world. During the first winter, an alliance was made with the people among whom they settled. By becoming one of them, Eric was elevated to the rank of leader. The connection of iron with the land of the Great Spirit, the indigenous people of Vinland, brought with it rain in the form of a change in their lifestyle. And several hundred years of prosperity made Vinland a country able to maintain its fleet and army. They became so powerful that one of the leaders of Vinland decided to sail his fleet to Viking to conquer the British Isles. It was the Flaming Arrow. Chief of the entire Vinland tribe. And this happened during the uprising of a certain William Wallace in Scotland.
All cards are put aside. They are replaced by cards from the William Wallace pack.