When the world passes away what will remain of us?

In the chaos of the universe, there is a tiny planet that we call home, Earth. On it is everything that is important to us. It is everything we know. It is everything our world is made of. And although it may seem that it is permanent. However, this is just an illusion. One day, such a moment will come and the star we call the Sun will burn everything on this planet. Turning all the stories about its inhabitants into dust. Which will float in the abyss of space. For eons. Eternity, from the perspective of the length of a human life.
Is this the fate that awaits humanity? Perhaps. Perhaps we will have the same fate of the dinosaurs. Of which only bones remain. Perhaps we will kill all life on our planet, and ourselves along with it. Or perhaps we will become a civilization that lives not only in one star system. Traveling through the universe for the sole purpose of exploring its secrets. Tasting the fruits it has to offer to the brave who want to take on such a challenge.
We dream of such a scenario in which we focus our efforts on developing the right balance between human civilization and the nature of this planet so as not to leave future generations a ticking bomb, but the technology of the planet’s climate. Thanks to which we will be able to transform barren worlds into places friendly to life in the distant(?) future.
So that we remember that despite the differences that exist between us. We decided to take this journey together. To leave future generations a planet flourishing with life. We, free people.
We want to plant at least one tree in a place that we will call a place of knowledge. For those who will come after us, when the memory of the era in which we currently live becomes the subject of historical research. So that they remember that of all possible paths, our generation has chosen this path for itself. To spread life to the barren worlds in the universe. But before that happens, we must remember our mother Earth. Take care of her. So that she will be a home for many generations to come after us. Before this dream becomes a reality. Remembering to arrive there as free people. No matter what language we speak, or who we think we are.
Perhaps we can encourage someone else to plant at least one tree right next to ours. And maybe a forest will grow from it.
A forest called the Forest of Knowledge.
In it we will build a time capsule. So that what we put in it can beat the rhythm of the heart of this forest.
As for us, it will be a story about:
– Boudica. About her times and her humiliation. Where the invaders who came to our islands turned some of their inhabitants into slaves. And forced her to watch as her daughters were raped. This will be a story about exactly that. What happened to us – the inhabitants of these islands.
– Elizabeth I. About how she defended us from another invader. And although she was not the first in history, it was a breakthrough moment for us as islanders. They cut down an entire forest to bring us to our knees. Building the Great Armada.
It was of no use in the face of our determination. Carrying the memory of Boudica in our hearts, we made it so that only we, the islanders, can decide the fate that awaits the inhabitants of our islands. Not forgetting that the era in question was very harsh and cruel to the weak, looking from the point of view of the times in which we live now.
– Elizabeth II. A story about times that we can boldly call a world of free people. Where every single person can be whoever they want. The only limitation is imagination and determination. A world where the state is for its inhabitants. Whoever they are. State officials cooperate with its inhabitants. Helping them in everyday matters in which they have trouble. So that this society creates a path for the United Kingdom to follow. And everyone can be whoever they want. A World of Free People…
– Agnieszka Banczerowska. About a woman who, fighting her illness, was able to create a wonderful and safe home for her childrens. Who, in the last minutes of her life, asked us to live the best we could.
We imagined this best world. It is a world of free people inhabiting other star systems besides their own. It will probably seem naive to someone. Probably…
– The saga of Grettir „Strong” Asmundarson. How he was sentenced to banishment for 20 years. How he spent it wandering around Iceland. And in the last year of his banishment, his head was cut off and carried around the island. This news reached Norway. Awakening an ever-increasing desire for revenge after what had befallen Gettir. Causing the perpetrator of this act to flee to Constantinople in fear of losing his own life. In the process, he traveled half the known world from the wrath of Gettir’s friend. Who, in the name of what he believed in, found the perpetrator and got out to him what he should have. Justice according to Odin’s world.
This is supposedly the last recorded case in the Icelandic Sagas about the law of revenge. The story of Gettir is a story about human hearts. About the fact that the Viking Age ended in them. When they began to beat a different rhythm than before. Changing the whole world in the process. The Scandinavian countries are peaceful societies. And all this is because of what they carry deep in their hearts.
We hope that we can find other people who would be willing to plant even one tree right next to ours. To make this dream a reality. Which at the moment seems more like a vague dream looming somewhere in the distance on the horizon than a scenario that has a high probability of becoming reality.