K’aissape loved to traverse the snowy wastes with his clan, whose rhythm determined the direction of the ice that covered the ocean. As a hunter, he went hunting with others in his boats into deeper waters. Knowing perfectly well that prolonged exposure to icy water would result in death for humans, the hunters risked their lives every time they moved away from the shore. However, they were forced to take such risks due to the fragile balance in the nature of this icy land. Being part of it, they had to get food from the ocean. Therefore, they were constantly on the move, following the open ocean. Running away from it so as not to fall into the trap of the land covered with omnipresent ice. Which would mean the end for them. That was why the clan that K’aissape belonged to had seals in their totem as a sign of gratitude for their generosity to the entire clan. It is thanks to them that they manage to survive to a large extent.
        In their constant journey, the seal clan reached a place perfect for a long-term camp. That’s why buildings were made of ice-carved stones. Allowing them to live longer. And at the end, a feast was organized. The whole clan had a great time. Until everyone fell asleep. How surprised they were when, after waking up, their estate was surrounded by thick fog. A fog in which you couldn’t see your own hand stretched out in front of you. However, within the estate visibility was excellent.
        Nobody had any idea what could be causing this. The fog made it impossible to leave the settlement. Which made food scarce. People were hungry. And every attempt to escape this trap has failed. The mood in the clan was miserable. There was no chance of improvement until the fog cleared and they left this damned place. It was decided to perform a ritual to summon the ancestors. To help the messenger chosen unanimously by the entire clan find the way to the ruler of this place. So that he could bow down to him from the entire clan and apologize for disturbing his peace. All they want is to stop being an intruder in this land. That is why they are asking for the ruler of this world to show them the direction that would allow them to get out of this fog.
        K’aissape was chosen for this. Before he went on his journey, he turned to the four directions of the world. And in each of them he made a sound coming straight from his soul. Incomprehensible in human speech, but understandable to the ancestors. The news that he is coming and that they should be with him, showing him the way. And he set off into the fog. Walking for such a long time. Taking short breaks to rest. Always remember to mark the direction. That was the most important thing. Each time he stopped, he made a mark on the ground and placed his hand on it in the designated direction. And when he went to sleep, he also marked an additional sign next to him to indicate his direction. If by chance he woke up not in the same position as he fell asleep.
        Until he reached a place where deep-sea ice eyes emerged from the fog. Eyes hiding in their depths the entirety of the oceans turned into transparent ice to such an extent that everything that was in the ice could be seen. And those eyes staring at K’aissape. Hypnotizing him with her power. A shiver ran through K’aissape’s body. And he paid obeisance to the ruler of this world from the seal clan. When he delivered the message entrusted to him, K’aissape immersed himself in the depths of what was in front of him, looking at it hypnotized. And the depths receded further and further away. It was almost invisible. And she disappeared. K’aissape hadn’t noticed until then that the fog around him was thinning. He waited until he saw outlines on the horizon. Which, as the fog thinned, turned out to be the settlement of the seal clan. Only a few hours’ walk away. Yet he walked in one direction for a very long time. Long enough that he had already given up hope of getting anywhere. However, it turned out that he was close to the camp from which he set out.
        He didn’t think about it. He was grateful to his ancestors for their protection. When he reached the settlement, the entire tribe packed up and set off on their journey, leaving this place behind…